Friday, October 21, 2011

Check out this site. They offer science materials on a FREE LOAN basis.

BioLEAP Lending Library of Life Science Materials

NAVS is committed to creating a world that fosters compassion and respect for all living creatures in the classroom and beyond. Toward that end, NAVS has created the Biology Education Advancement Program (BioLEAP), an extensive library of state-of-the-art dissection alternatives that are available on a FREE loan basis to students, teachers, school boards and others interested in advancing science education without harming animals.
Today, students have many opportunities to study science through nonanimal methods, which have been shown to be more effective teaching tools.  Nonanimal alternatives are often less expensive on a short-term basis, since they don’t need to be purchased over and over again like dissection specimens. With school budgets tightening and teachers being asked to do more with less, BioLEAP offers the chance to incorporate today’s most dynamic teaching tools without having to make an investment.
NAVS’ comprehensive library of alternatives includes dozens of high-relief, three dimensional plastic models, computer software programs, color transparencies, videotapes and other materials that teach fundamental scientific principles to students from elementary through the post-graduate level without sacrificing animals in the process.  A wide range of species are included in the library, from invertebrates to frogs, starfish, perch, shark, rats, cats, fetal pig and humans.
Students and educators who wish to object to dissection can make a positive demonstration of their commitment to learning and fulfilling their academic requirements in a way that keeps the life in life science.
You can also access the text-only version by clicking on the BioLEAP Lending Library link below. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file. To obtain the application, click on the button below to add this program before opening the file.
Call 1-800-888-NAVS for further information on how to obtain these alternatives for your classroom use or read the Guidelines for Borrowing Alternatives document below.


BioLEAP Lending Library of Life Science Materials

1 comment:

  1. sounds really interesting but the links are not working for me.
